Imi trebuie atat de putin ca sa sfarshesc cu genunchii juliti si orgoliul ofilit. Uneori insa barbatii sunt atat de prosti incat imi vine sa ma imbratisez in oglinda, sa ma mangai pe cap si sa imi shoptesc gutural "o sa treaca, o sa treaca".
Linia dintre "qui s'aime se taquine" si marlanie crasa foarte foarte subtire.
The guy was french.
AntwortenLöschenThe answer to your question is...I don't know "dude", maybe cause you're bored to death? :)). My best friends don t bother to comment my posts as you do :).
Apologies. Again. This time on behalf of all males.
AntwortenLöschenAlthough, if it makes you feel any better (it won't), his problem might not be personal but systemic. That is to say, (if he's Romanian) it's very difficult to grow up in Romania without becoming a jerk. I am myself a jerk far too often, and my symptoms are directly traceable to whatever sorry excuses of men I had as educators.
AntwortenLöschenSo I don't think it's about you. Men have a myriad ways of making insensitive comments, and most often they're not even meant as such. In sadder cases, arrogance and a propensity to humiliate are built in at an early stage, by the child's socializing milieus. I've often seen men (Eastern Europeans for the most part) who were tremendously educated, and quite charming, but sometimes lacking any sense of tact and consideration for others. You'd think finding other people's weak spots and pounding on them gives them pleasure (in fact, I'm sure it does). What an ocean of difference there is between intelligence and wisdom. Wisdom, so much more valuable yet much scarcer...
Anyhow, I'm writing too damn much again. Feel better. That you are a person of high value is immediately apparent even to a person who otherwise doesn't know anything about you, such as myself. Why would a busy, hyper-educated, cynical-superficial American(ized) man like me read your blog if it weren't for the inner beauty and fragility of the author?
Et dixi.
I am hurt :P ...