Dienstag, 17. April 2007

But life goes on


..... for the families of the students from Virginia University. In their places I would be mad, not because a wacko started shooting around but because zee great american police force had a crapy act. I mean, come on people, it s lack of common sense to let 2 hours pass between the shootings...how can you as a parent forgive that? I always protested when people said americans are stupid but God forgive me, sometimes they pass all the limits.Or at least those who represent them like the police, the army and their president. 

       And second, as maddish asked, why does this happen in the US?It s not only in the US, Australia had the same problem like..20 years ago and they have gun control. 

       The country with the higher number of guns/person is Switzerland, and swiss people don t go on killing sprees. Recently things got a bit fiery over the increase in the number of homicides and suicides comited with the army gun and people are thinking of not giving the weapon to everybody who does their military service - so there, a solution. Not yet voted and aproved, but at least PROPOSED.

       Makes you wonder, what do they eat in US, how is their brain functioning as to have things like this happening. Is it this reddish orange alert they live in? Is it the movies (fuck it, we have the same). Is it the NRA?

       I m not happy I am not there. I just feel sad because young people that could be us didn t wake up this morning. And moreover that could have been prevented. :(




3 Kommentare:

  1. Da da, io nu ma contrazic cu oamenii astia, ca nebuni is peste tot. Dar da, ma leg de nenorocita aia de pushca, pentru ca au si altii pusti si nu se duc sa cheleasca o gashca de nevinovati. Asta in primul rand. Si in al doilea rand, la faza cu atentatele sinucigashe, cu accidentele and shit, astea nu prea pot fi prevenite (cum sa zicem ca n ar fi putut fi prevenita in cazul Virginia prima runda de impuscaturi din camin). Dar a doua????? How about that?
    Si da, nu neg ca la capitolul mediatizare treburile astea din America par sa aiba un rating mai bun. So, iaca un motiv :)

  2. m-am gandit chiar dupa ce am postat comentariu', ca intr-adevar petarnu pare a fi un pic diferit la descreieratii din scolile americane fata de sinucigasi, accidente, crime "normale", etc. PARE diferit, in sensu' ca virgula "cauza" celorlalti pare destul de evidenta si indeobste e destul de puternica (supravietuire, pasiune, fanatism, etc.). da' astia cu pustile lor? nu e atat de evidenta cauza. s-ar putea ca fundamental sa nu fie foarte diferita de cea a altor crime, dar nu ne dam noi seama. poate e mai bine ca nu ne dam seama, ar fi un semn ca sntem pe drumul scrntelii...

  3. Totally agree..., :(

    "Se puede decir más alto...pero no más claro"
