“ I believe all those doing research works in nanotechnology and nanoscience have been at least once frustrated out of their minds by what I like to call the “dimension gap”. Numerous techniques have now been developed to analyse nanobjects and nanostructures but there are few manipulation tools which allow us to move them. I mean, I am not asking for the atomic assembler Fenyman predicted, I would just like a gigantic tweezer to move micelles around. Or to place caps on holes. Selectively. And yet my fingers are too large to hold that kind of instrument. I believe stimuli responsive systems fill this gap. I see temperature, pH or light as my own personal tweezer that I can switch on or off just by pushing the “heat on” or the micropipette button. And this allows me to control the motion at the nanoscale.”
Hello world!
vor 2 Jahren
dap. sigur ca daca as fi conducatorul tau de doctorat ai avea deja zece :)