Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2007

O pauza

 Pai da dom'le, ca jumate din blogrolu meu au e lenesh si nu scrie, au shi au luat o pauza (precum Utopica).

    Asha ca m am gandit si eu ca in perioada imediat urmatoare sa prestez mai mult despre viatza reala, in care nu se intampla lucruri destul de excitante cat sa le pun pe blog. Si anume - nema fun pe aici (pana si colegu spaniol pleaca), nici un meci de comentat, nici un referendum de chibitzat, nici o excursie nu se prevede pentru urmatoarele doua saptamani, asha afara de cazul nefericit in care mi se intampla ceva najpa, imi iau o mica pauza. Nu mai dati refresh, ca nu mai scrie nic nou:).

    As vrea sa opresc timpul ACUM. Now, in this very moment.

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2007

Tara in care oamenii nu spun "te iubesc"

 De acolo vin eu. Sau o fi doar familia mea dereglata. Dar sunt sigura sigura, ca pana azi eu nu am fost in stare sa ii spun "te iubesc" vre unei rude de sange. De altfel, nici pretenilor mei nu stiu daca le am spus o.
Si ma simt mai saraca, mai...rece, mai goala pe dinauntru. Oare asa o sa fie cu toti oamenii importanti din viata mea? O sa astept metastazele sa le invadeze trupurile (sau poate pe al meu inainte)? O sa astept sa dea un camion peste ei in curbe la Bucium ca sa ma duc sa spun "te iubesc" unei cruci din fundul cimitirului?

Bottom line is ca as vrea sa scriu si nici macar asta nu te iubesc, mamaie, si imi pare rau ca am n am fost mai bine zis....


Dienstag, 22. Mai 2007


 Da. Mi a luat ceva timp sa ma hotarasc sa scriu postul asta, din motive ce au tinut in special de neuroni in greva, pentru ca in intervalul vineri -luni am dormit fix 8 ore adunate din care 4 in avion/bus. Am mai taiat un "crayz things to try" de pe lista, si anume mersul la aeroport direct din discoteca :).

Sambata am fost si mi am indeplinit datoria de bun cetatean la Madrid; am citit ceva ecouri cu organizare proasta, se pare ca eu am avut noroc, pentru ca mi a luat fix 45 de minute de stat la coada si erau un catralion de oameni. Tot felul de oameni, de toate varstele si de toate categoriile sociale si peste tot am auzit acelasi lucru "din cauza lor am plecat din tzara, eu vreau sa ma intorc, dar nu daca mai e PSD ul la putere". Am pierdut din pacate scandalul cu telefonul furat, asa ca m am bucurat ca Baselu e in continuare presedinte. Niste anger management lessons nu i ar strica totusi :D.

Cum treaba a fost asa eficienta, am avut timp sa ma plimb chioara de somn prin Madrid (vineri noaptea am invatat un drinking game spaniol care se keama quinito :D), si pozele sunt mai jos. Cu party included.

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Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2007

The end of childhood

    I write today because tomorrow I ll be to sad to do it and it will sound too pathetic. It has been a great month and a half, passed quicker then I could imagine...But then again, time passes quicker when you grow older, no? I am happy I had this experience, I am happy I discovered research again in a fun way, I am happy I was at parties and got to taste a bit the latino spirit...
    And now, back to the dungeons in the castle/lake/fondue country. A different kind of fun. Must chase the snakes and rats in the appartment, or whatever bred there while I was gone, get back my plants (that are hopefully still alive ;) ) and fix meetings mit people.

    I hope to come back here one day and find the same selfish sun peeking throught the fluffiest clouds I ve seen since I ve let home, I want to see the south....

    So bye bye Spain and nice people. (smiles sadly)

*)This is probably my last message in english. The writer wants to thank you for your attention and coments. 

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007

My bitch

We grew up together


Me searching dusty corners

                         of my grandmother's attic

She, nibbling on my ankles in

                          the shapes of the changing sun

Me walking alone on

                          volcanoes and lost trails

She, scratching my hips with

                          claws of forsakeness


 Yeah, we grew up together...


I keep my fear on a tight leash now,

With a shaky hand,

Knowing that one day

                      one day

When I'll relax the silver choker

                       around her throbbing neck

                        because I am in love

                        because my favourite song is on

 Her teeth will bleed my sanity to death

Barcelona - the movie *)

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First day ...


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Second day.... 


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Third day...


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 *) Click on MP3 player to listen to soundtrack :) 

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007

Growing up can be fun :)

     I don t know about you, but IIIIIII, when I was young had all sorts of interdictions

"Don t play with food at the table! Don t run on the hallway! Don t pull that boy s t shirt! (ok, maybe not this last one). 
     It is amazing how fun it can be to be an (almost responsible) adult, wearing grisines for teeth, making chair-races down university hallways and yes, pulling that boy s t-shirt and sticking some ice under it (HE started it, mommy!!!!). Without people telling you that you are freaky. (friends know why)

     I think all of us should make a "childhood exercise" some times - sing like whales, sing arab-like-tunes, sing the last CD of Avril Lavigne for crying out loud. Walk like a monster behind your coleagues. Or in front of them. Make a race through Carefour poles (but with a real car). 

   Thanks A., for teaching me not to beat up my inner child anymore :)

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2007

Cadou la dusmani *

Deci da, suptul relaxeaza, doamnelor si domnilor. Sa nu uitam. Oare ma lasa astia de la Chupa Chups sa le implementez brandu in Romania? As traduce literal, sunt sigura ca as avea un succes nebun. Cred ca asta tocmai a devenit noua mea injuratura preferatea :)




*)(present for enemies, or for people you don t like, or people that ...just deserve it. In romanian it sounds a lot more vulgar)

Dupa douazeci/doi ani

Googalitzi oamenii? Io da, frecvent. Pe aia de abia i am cunoscut, sau dupa caz, pe oameni pe care i am intalnit demult, si despre care as vrea sa aflu noutati. Asa am aflat de prietenul meu care s a plimbat prin vagaunile nebuniei si tot asa am aflat de un alt prieten (primul meu prieten :D) care e acu dom director la drumuri si poduri. Nu, nu la un canton de drumuri si poduri ci la ZA agentia nationala unde "acolo sunt banii dumneavoastra".

Are 26 de ani. Si io. Si alalat. Noi trei am fost legati printr un fir ciudat la un moment dat. Eram copiii care voiau sa fie geniali. Ei doi au ajuns, pe cai foarte foarte diferite.

Unul se balaceste pe culmile gloriei. Unul se ineaca in psihoza (poate mai putin acu, l am citit si scrie politic-patetic-prost).

Iar eu? I guess I am borderline girl-genius:). And loving every minute of it.


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007


Have you ever slalomed the concrete (concrete is the key word) poles from an underground parking lot at 60 miles per hour?

Have you ever sang with a  2 foot tall guy wearing and Yves Rocher hat with bright pink flowers the WHOLE last CD of Avril Lavigne so loud that inocent bystanders forgot to cross the road?


A. is what you would call a "big boy". The kind next to whom you feel protected no matter what, because he casts a 2 feet shadow. Of course, you would not feel so much protected if you would know that A. is afraid of spiders. Which makes him less interesting, since we all know that the two purposes of men in life is to open cans (ocasionally wine bottles and pickle jars) and to kill the intrusive spiders (or flies. or bugs).

Montag, 7. Mai 2007

Samstag, 5. Mai 2007

Look, there's an eagle!


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...actually a vulture :). Today we've been in Vulture Land, known by it's christian name as "Los Hoces del Duraton", a natural park that is home to hundreds of species of birds, out of which the most famous is the Griffon Vulture. 

Equiped with an anoying GPS system (sometimes I wonder, how would it be if your GPS would argue with you...something like"Now turn turn right...I TOLD YOU TO F....TURN RIGHT, cabron:D"), familiarly called by my friends "tomtom" and that was quickly replaced with "javijavi", who not only could read directions from a map, but knew a lot of details about the places we were visiting, we drove up to the Segovian hills, where this area lies.  

 Despite "los chubascos dispersos" (a scary expression, I know, it basically means rain that falls down with the frequency of the chinese drop, or more exactly at the time you just took off you jacket) and the dizzy wind, we had a great time in the open air.The same team as last time and the same spanish fun.

A nice waterfall... 

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The walls that guard the "hoces" :)


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The long and winding road...


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 I didn t realised how much I miss climbing...And the calcar in the parc (forbiden though to all rock climbing activities, because the birds nest on the wall) looked very appealing.  A lace of small holes and little caves.

 A part of the park was forbiden to access, because the vultures have just nested again (they do it two times per year, prolific buggers), but we still got to watch them from above the tracks and hopelessly try to get  a good picture of them.

 We went then down to the small city of Sepulveda, 1 km away for a traditional lunch. Again small animals, cooked entire only with butter and some salt, this time it was lamb for the guys (lechazo or cordero),  and salad for the most fainted hearted. Something that HAS to be tried there is a cake called "Ponche segoviano" (Segovia is just 50 km away) - i can only describe as heavenly. Walking then a bit on the streets we discovered nice churches and a wonderful view of the canyon. I also had to explain my  spanish friends the smell of lilac..i cannot believe somebody could argue with me "it doesn't smell" :). And I found my 5 petal lilac flower which is supposed to bring me luck for this year...or was it 4 :)




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Nice shadows 

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Que no se dice "cagarse" :)))))


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 After fighting with the need to have a siesta we crossed the park to what used to be an "ermita" (i don know how to say in english, it s where hermits used to retire and meditate) of San Frutos (and his two brothers, less able to perform miracles and hence less mentioned:). The ruins are nice, but the view of the rivers Duraton and San Juan that one gets from there it s priceless. I don t want to imagine what kind of fish are those that we have seen in the waters from about 60 m high:).

El Duraton

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An "artist's view" 


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 After some silly jokes about this area being the vulture's ghetto (since it s not forbidden for tourists and hence the poor birds don t have the same privacy as their neighbours from down stream) we recuperated the death car and drove to Pedraza, another small medieval village in the Segovian area. The town would have been a lot better in the sun, it has nice stone houses and nice stone streets (and no, the people living there are not called "stoned"). It was really fun to see a hoard of ladies coming back from a wedding service with 4 inch heels walking through the irregular pavement. Ah, the small mean smile of the ones who cannot wear those :). 


Pedraza Plaza Mayor


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The price of elegance...


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 Under a cloudy sunset we drove back to Valladolid, because some people have a marathon tomorrow, some have to work and some have to go to Salamanca to get back their supersonic toothbrush.


El driver en el sunset  
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Freitag, 4. Mai 2007



I am reggae

 Yes, me and all the people in the club last night. In Valladolid there s this contest going on, for about 2 months, where young groups can perform. The one that wins gets a free session of recording in some studio. After "Arizona baby" three weeks ago, which was cool, but only because we were a nice gang and goofed around on their country rythms, last night it was reggaaaaaaaaeeee night. Totally awsome medschool students really pumped some rastafeeling in the place.

 Followed of course by the last compulsory drink in Liberdad 3  - our favourite gay bar mit live show. Same boys (or should I say "ladies"), but this time in a "traditional song" performance. Absolutely awsome sevillana and flamenco dancers.

  I also broke the first gay heart :). For future reference: women not only have lower standards then men, when it comes to men, but they have even lower standards when it comes to women.

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007

Don Javi strikes back

A: (a different A, I ll describe him in another post, cause he deserves a different post) Ya know, Sao Paolo is like reaaaally years olds have no trouble shooting ya. 6 year olds can kill you, hombre

J: So what, U can also steal their ChupaChups 


Maybe I should make an "overheard in my lab" category....