Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007

Raining mit sunshine

     Sometimes life unravels nicely.


    Work goes good (not excellent, but good), parties rock the house (House being the key word, yes, me, me, the Rammstein freak, the tie-dyed T-shirt Doors flowers in my hair freak is becoming a raging clubber, looking for David Guetta CDs), love pours on you like summer rain...
    And you breathe it all in, and write more letters and stories then in the whole previous year, and you find your charcoal and paint brushes, braid your hair, heck you even FEEL the NEED to wear high heels once in a while. Plan weekends and run away from work in the middle of the day, cross the mountains just to see yourself reflected in your love's eyes, because that's the only mirror in which you look beautiful.

    And one day you call. And ask in a fainted voice "Could I come to your place?", and your heart does the canari dance, waiting for the answer.



    Does that make you happy? No, that makes you SCARED, scared shitless, scared beyond all horror movie scare, because yes, kindness sometimes can be an unexpected act. Because you already had all the weapons up for defense and now it s hard to put them back discretely. Because yes, in your world, even in sunny days, the sky still threatens to fall down mit thunders.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Inca un lucru... ca mi-am adus aminte ca iar incep sa iau spam la greu in germana, ceea ce probabil inseamna ca inca un prieten de-al meu cu address book-ul plin de nemti a fost penetrat... scuza-ma ca zic de protectie anti-virusi, da' nu stiu cat te pricepi... si trebuie neaparat, mai ales daca dai click pe linkurile alea ale mele din post-ul de mai sus...

    Io-s pe McAfee ca anti-virus sub Windoze, 's multumit. Dintre astea free e bun AVG.

    Si trebuie neaparat (daca ai PC, da' nu cred ca ai un Mac...) sa dai jos Spybot si Ad-Aware sa faci un full system scan... o sa te miri, da ceva ceva tot or sa gaseasca acolo :)

    Daca esti tare pe IT, scuze pt sfaturile astea pt minori. No way for me to know...

  2. Nu sh breh, io intru de la work, n am primit nici o plangere...da nici de pe torente nu pot trage :D. O sa aplic sfaturile cand m oi duce acasa.
